Moving in a different direction, I recently illustrated a new series of children’s adventure books called iHero; Legends. Written by The 2 Steves and published by Hachette Childrens/Franklin Watts, each book is a choose-your-own adventure story where the reader takes the part of heroic characters from myth and legend. There’s six books in the series in total each with over 20 illustrations by myself. They’re all available now at Waterstones, and Amazon (in paperback and digital) and wherever else good books […]
I’m back from MCM Manchester ’16 with some more photos for my growing collection of Cosplay Polaroids. Being around cosplayers is kind of part and parcel of working in the comics world and documenting the costumes and people I find on my travels has become a fun side-project (and a break from the madness of exhibiting at shows). There’s already a substantial collection of these and I will be posting up new ones from this summer each night, for a while, […]
Hello and welcome to AndrewTunney.Com my newly refurbished online home for 2016. This has been a little while coming but it’s finally here. Since I started I’ve always been a strong believer in artists having their own space online where they can present themselves in their own way, away from the noise of the big networks. So this is my new place. Here you can find a selection of my work from over 10+ years as a professional artist and also […]